
My Home Church

NLFWC, my home church. In many instances, one never realizes how blessed a home church is until you don’t have it anymore. NLFWC is a real and spiritually satisfying church. I miss it every Sunday in Katy, Texas. Praying for a place of worship here. 5 stars to Pastor Ferguson and his staff.

Denise Bell

My Ministry at New Life has Inspired me to Wait on the Lord

In my walk with Christ, I have learned to trust the process and  somethings will not be instant or come overnight.  God is an on time God.  He is a gracious and merciful.  Faithful when we aren’t faithful.

But we have the ability and are capable of doing anything through Christ.  Our Motivation should always be with Love.  And our attitude should be done for the will of God.  And Believe in your heart that anything is possible for we serve a God that works in impossible situations.  I say “Wait On the Lord.” 

Dr. Fancher